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2018 Jun 29

ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Asia - Workshop I "Appointment as an Arbitrator"

This advanced level professional training is designed primarily for senior and upper mid-level arbitration practitioners interested in pursuing a career as an arbitrator. Both institutions and arbitration practitioners would benefit from this programme. 

Our member, Mr Robert Pé, will be speaking in Workshop I: Appointment as an Arbitrator (29 June 2018, Hong Kong).

This course is organized over two years, divided into 8 one-day workshops which take place every three months. Each workshop will consist of:

  • Review and study by the participants of relevant topics on the basis of recommended materials;
  • Analysis of practical situations based on ICC cases;
  • Drafting procedural documents (correspondence with the parties, Terms of References, Procedural Orders, Awards etc.);
  • Colloquia where key-note speakers discuss practical situations with the participants.

For more information, please visit here.

2018 Jun 26

The 4th ICC Asia Conference on International Arbitration

The ICC's 4th Annual Asia Conference on International Arbitration will be held in Hong Kong this year on 26 and 27 Juner 2018. The conference will focus on the latest regional and institutional developments in international arbitration.

Topics to be discussed at the Conference include:

  • Belt and Road: Infrastructure and RIsk on an Unprecedented Scale
  • Arbitral Tribunals & Courts: the Eve of a New Era?
  • Conflict of Interests: Beyond the IBA Guidelines?
  • 60 Years of the New York Convention - Still in its Infancy?

We are proud to announce our Mr. Andrew Aglionby and Mr. Robert Pé will be speaking at this event.

For more information, please visit here.

2018 Jun 22

2018 Edinburgh Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution

The 2018 Edinburgh Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China is jointly organised by the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC/BIAC) and the Scottish Arbitration Centre (SAC). This well-established and prestigious annual event, based on the report Commercial Dispute Resolution in China: An Annual Review and Preview (2018), will bring top experts from China and the UK together to present and discuss topics in various aspects on the developments of commercial dispute resolution in China.

Since 2013, The BAC/BIAC has compiled annual reports to present reviews on commercial disputes revolutions in China and has successfully hosted a series of Summits in Paris, Hague, Frankfurt, Cologne, Zurich, Vienna, Hong Kong, etc. 

We are proud to announce our Head of Chambers Mr. Gavin Denton will be moderating the closing remarks at the event.

For more information, please visit here.