“Star arbitrator Eduardo Zuleta is held in the highest esteem for his experience acting as an arbitrator on high-profile arbitration proceedings”
- LL.M., Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom; specialization – International Dispute Resolution (2002)
- Specialization – Banking Law - 12002981
- J.D. Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá D.C., Colombia (1980)
Principal Areas of Practice
- Energy and Oil & Gas
- M&A
- Project Finance/ Financial Transactions
- Construction
- Agency/ Distribution
- Investor-State Disputes
- Colombia (1982)
Employment History
- Member of Arbitration Chambers (January 2023 – present)
- Partner, Zuleta Abogados (2017 – 2022)
- Partner, Gomez Pinzon Zuleta (2008 – 2017)
- Partner, Zuleta, Suárez Araque & Jaramillo (2000 – 2008)
- Partner, Baker McKenzie (1989 – 2000)
- Associate, Baker McKenzie (1982 – 1989)
Nominations as Arbitrator
Relevant cases – Commercial Arbitration
- Ad hoc; Road Concessionaire v. Municipality; President
- Ad hoc; Colombian Coal Company v. Swiss Mining Company, Co-arbitrator
- Lima Chamber of Commerce; Peruvian Mining Corporation v. Dutch Supplier; Co-arbitrator
- Lima Chamber of Commerce; Peruvian Company v. Multinational; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Brazil/Uruguay Consortium v. French/Japanese Consortium; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Brazilian company v. Brazilian Bank; Co-arbitrator.
- ICC; Chinese and Brazilian Corporations v. Brazilian Shareholders; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Ecuadorian Public Company v. Chinese Company; President
- ICC; European mining company v. Latin-American consortium; Co-arbitrator
- ICC, India Construction Company v. Latin American State Entity; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Mexican Bank v. Construction company; President
- ICC; Mexican Construction Company v. Latin American port operator; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Mexican individuals v. Japanese companies; President
- ICC; Mexican Oil Company v. Mexican Oil Company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Mexican Telecommunications company v. Mexican and Spanish Companies; President
- ICC; Spanish Consortium v. Austrian company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Spanish consortium v. Latin-American Construction company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; UK Insurance Companies v. German Manufacturer; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; U.S. Pharmaceutical Company v. Latin-American Pharmaceutical Company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Dispute between shareholders of a pharmaceutical company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; U.S. and Kazakhstani Individuals v. Patrimony foundations; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Ecuadorian Shareholders v. Spanish/Mexican Company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Swiss/Spanish Consortium v. Argentine Company; President
- ICC; Italian Consortium v. Bolivian Company; Sole Arbitrator
- ICC; Chile/Brazil Consortium v. Chile/Brazil Company. Co-arbitrator
- ICC; U.S. and Spain Companies v. Panamanian entity; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Chilean Company v. Cuban Banks and Hotel Companies; President
- ICC; Salvador Telecom Companies v. Salvador Company; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Italian Energy Company v. Central American State Companies; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Mexican Railway Company v. Mexican Consortium; President
- ICC; Panamenian Consortium v. Panamenian Hydroelectrical Company; Sole Arbitrator
- ICC; Mexican Company v. U.S. Company; President
- ICDR; International consortium v. Latin American State entity; Co-arbitrator.
- ICDR; Latin American oil company v. US Oil company; Sole Arbitrator
- ICDR; Law Firm v. Energy Company; Co-arbitrator
- ICDR; Engineering Company v. Mining Company; President (2015)
- ICDR; US Jetliner Manufacturer v. Latin American airline manufacturer; Co- arbitrator.
- LCIA; Mexican State Company v. Private company; President
- LCIA; Mexican State Company v. Private company; President
- UNCITRAL; Mexican investors v. International Appliances Manufacturer; President
- Chamber of Commerce of Bogota; China Construction Company v. State Road Infrastructure Enterprise
- Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá; Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras v. Bancolombia. S.A.; Co-arbitrator
- Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá; Bogotana de Aguas y Saneamiento S.A. v. Distrito Capital de Bogotá; Co-arbitrator
- Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá; Comerciamovil S.A.S. v Colombiamovil S.A.; President, (Case No. 1346) (2006)
Relevant cases – Investment Arbitration
- ICSID; WM Mining Company, LLC v. Mongolia; President (ARB/21/8)
- ICSID; Koch Industries, Inc. And Koch Supply & Trading, LP v. Canada; President; Dispute Under NAFTA (ARB 20/52)
- ICSID; Campos de Pesé, S.A. v. Republic of Panama; President (ARB 20/19)
- ICSID; Espíritu Santo Holdings, LP v. United Mexican States; President (ARB/20/13)
- ICSID; Carlos Sastre and others v. United Mexican States; President (ARB/UNCT/20/2)
- ICSID; Latin American Regional Aviation Holding S. de R.L. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay; Co-arbitrator (ARB/19/16)
- ICSID; Veolia Propreté SAS v. Italian Republic; President (ARB/18/20)
- ICSID; Samsung Engineering Co., Ltd. v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; President; (ARB/17/43)
- ICSID; Joshua Dean Nelson v. United Mexican States; President (UNCT/17/1)
- ICSID; Raymon Charles Eyre and Montrose Developments (Private) Limited v. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/16/25)
- ICSID; Agroinsumos Ibero-Americanos, S.L. and others v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; President (ARB/16/23)
- ICSID; STEAG GmbH v. Kingdom of Spain; President; (ARB/15/4)
- ICSID; Ioan Micula, Viotel Micula and others v. Romania; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/14/29)
- ICSID; Infrastructure Services Luxembourg S.à.r.l. and Energia Termosolar B.V. (formerly Antin Infrastructure Services Luxembourg S.à.r.l. and Antin Energia Termosolar B.V.) v. Kingdom of Spain; President (ARB/13/31)
- ICSID; Caratube International Oil Company LLP and Devincci Saluh Hourani v. Republic of Kazakhstan; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/13/13)
- ICSID; Valores Mundiales, S.L. and Consorcio Andino S.L. v Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; President (ARB/13/11)
- ICSID; Poštová banka, a.s and ISTROKAPITAL SE v. Hellenic Republic; President (ARB13/8)
- ICSID; Telefónica S.A. v. United Mexican States; President (ARB (AF)/12/4)
- ICSID; Renée Rose Levy and Gremcitel S.A v. Republic of Peru; Co-arbitrator (ARB/11/17)
- ICSID; Convial Callao S.A. and CCI-Compañía de Concesiones de Infraestructura S.A. v. Republic of Peru; Co-arbitrator (ARB/10/2)
- ICSID; Iberdrola Energía, S.A. v. Republic of Guatemala; President (ARB/09/5)
- ICSID; Perenco Ecuador Limited v. Republic of Ecuador; President–Annulment Committee (ARB/08/6)
- ICSID; ConocoPhillips Petrozuata B.V., ConocoPhillips Hamaca B.V. and ConocoPhillips Gulf of Paria B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; President (ARB/07/30)
- ICSID; Impregilo S.p.A. v. Argentine Republic; Member of the Annulment Committee (ARB/07/17)
- ICSID; Joseph C. Lemire v. Ukraine; Member of the Annulment Committee (ARB/05/1)
- ICSID; Daimler Financial Services AG v. Argentine Republic; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/05/1)
- ICSID; SAUR International v. Argentine Republic; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/04/4)
- ICSID; Total S.A. v. Argentine Republic; President – Annulment Committee (ARB/04/1)
- ICSID; Niko Resources (Bangladesh) Ltd. v. Bangladesh Oil Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) and Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (BAPEX); President – Annulment Committee (ARB/10/18)
- PCA; South American Silver Limited (Bermuda) v. The Plurinational State of Bolivia; President (Case No. 2013-15)
- PCA; Limited Liability Company Lugzor, (2) Limited Liability Company Libset, (3) Limited Liability Company Ukrinternivest, (4) Public Joint Stock Company DniproAzot, (5) Liability Company Aberon Ltd v. Russian Federation; Co-arbitrator (Case No. 2015-29)
- PCA; Corcoesto, S.A. v. Kingdom of Spain; President (No. 2016-26)
- Ad hoc; Qatari Company v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; President (seated in London; Industry: Energy; Language: English, 2021)
- Ad-hoc; Sergei Viktorovich Pugachev v. Russia; President (PCA administered, seated in Paris; Language: English; Applicable Law: France-Russian Federation BIT)
- Ad-hoc; CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd. And others v. Republic of India; President (PCA Case No. 2022-34)
- Ad-hoc; Western Investor v. Eastern European State; President (Administered by the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce)
- Ad-hoc, Únete Telecomunicaciones S.A. and Clay Pacific S.R.L. v. The Republic of Ecuador; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; IuteCredit Europe v. Republic of Kosovo; Co-arbitrator (Case No. 25135)
- ICC; Spanish Investor v. Republic of Cuba; Co-arbitrator
- ICC; Hydro Srl v. Republic of Albania (I); Co-arbitrator (Case No. 20564/EMT/GR)
Arbitration Panels
- Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
- China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
- Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC)
- ICSID Panel of Arbitrators (ICSID). First appointment by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council President´s list, then appointed for a second period by the Republic of Colombia.
- Inter-American Arbitration Commission (IACAC)
- Vancouver International Arbitration Center (VanIAC)
- International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR)
- International Center for Dispute Resolution, Energy Arbitrators List (ICDR-EAL)
- Centres of Arbitration of the Chambers of Commerce of various Latin American Countries
Research, Publications & Lectures
- Co-editor (with Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chiann Bao, Alexander G. Fessas, Mark Friedman and Claudia Salomon), Leadership, Legitimacy Legacy. A Tribute to Alexis Mourre, ICC Library (2022)
- Co-editor (with Guido Tawil), International Commercial Arbitration – Study of the New York Convention – Tirant LoBlanch 2022 (Original in Spanish “Arbitraje Comercial Internacional – Estudio de la Convención de Nueva York” – Tirant LoBlanch 2022)
- The Map Is Not the Territory – But We Do Need Maps: How Helpful Are Guidelines on What Constitutes a Conflict of Interest, and on the Circumstances under Which Disclosure Is Required?, in BCDR International Arbitration Review, Vol 7, No.2 (December 2020) (with Maria Marulanda)
- Chapter 40: Security for Costs: Authority of the Tribunal and Third-Party Funding, in Building International Investment Law – The First 50 Years of ICSID, Meg Kinnear, Geraldine R Fischer, Jara Minguez Almeida, Luisa Fernanda Torres, Maireé Urán Bidegaín (Eds.) (2015)
- International Jurisprudence, Global Governance and Global Administrative Law, in Practicing Virtue – Inside International Arbitration, David Caron, Stephan Schill, Abby Cohen Smutny, Epaminontas Triantafilou (Eds.) (2015)
- Challenges of Creating a Standing International Investment Court, in Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: In Search of A Roadmap, TDM Special Issue 1 (2014)
- Columbia, in Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Louis Garb, Lew Julian (Eds.), Kluwer Law (2014)
- Colombia, in Interim Measures in International Arbitration, L.W. Newman and C. Ong (Eds.), Juris (2014)
- Colombia Enacts a New Arbitration Statute, 32(1) ASA Bull. 8 (2014) (with Rafael Rincón)
- El concepto de laudo arbitral, Universidad del Rosario (2013)
- Post Award Advocacy: The Relationship Between Interim and Final Awards - Res Judicata Concerns, Arbitration Advocacy in Changing Times, ICCA Congress Series No. 15 at 231, Kluwer (2011)
- Treaty Planning: Current Trends in International Investment Disputes that Impact Foreign Investment Decisions and Treaty Drafting, in Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades, M.A. Fernandez Ballesteros and D. Arias (Eds.) (2010) (with A. Saldarriaga and Ana Vohryzek-Griest)
- La relevancia de la llamada ‘Nacionalidad de la Sentencia Arbitral’ en la Convención de Nueva York, en Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Arbitraje, Cevallos Editora Jurídica (2010)
- Diez años de Merck: una década de evolución del arbitraje comercial internacional en Colombia, en Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Arbitraje, Cevallos Editora Jurídica (2009)
- A Current Look at the Protection of Foreign Investment in Colombia Latin America, TDM 4 (2009);
- Co-editor (with Guido Tawil), International Commercial Arbitration – Study of the New York Convention on its 50th Anniversary - Abeledo Perrot 2008 (Original in Spanish “Arbitraje Comercial Internacional – Estudio de la Convención de Nueva York con Motivo de su 50 Aniversario” – Abeledo Perrot 2008)
- El arbitraje de inversión en el Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, in Arbitraje Internacional - Tensiones Actuales 109, F. Mantilla-Serrano (ed.), Legis (2007)
- The return to Calvo and the gun boat diplomacy: The future of investor- State arbitration, Revista Internacional de Arbitraje, Legis (2006)
- Arbitration in Colombia, Revista de Derecho Comparado, Buenos Aires (2005)
- ICSID Arbitration, the need for specific consent, Ámbito Jurídico”, Legis S.A.
- Arbitration ratione materia – Arbitration and tort, in El Contrato de Arbitraje, Eduardo Silva Romero (ed.), Legis (2005)
- International Recognition and Enforcement of Annulled Awards, Revista “De Acuerdo”, Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (2002)
- ICSID, an option to consider, Revista de Derecho Público, Universidad de Los Andes (2002)
- Special Constitutional Action to Preserve International Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Kluwer Law International (2001)
- Distribution Agreements in Colombia, B&M (1995)
- International Letters of Credit, Legis (1980)
Speaking Engagements
- The Americas and Europe between Constitutionalism and Populism, ICCA Annual Congress Edinburgh (2022)
- Dispelling Myths: Enforcement of Latin American Arbitration Awards in the United States and U.S. Arbitration Awards in Latin America, New York Arbitration Week (2022)
- The Constitution and Arbitration: A Shield or a Sword?, Delos (2022)
- Hottest Trends in International Arbitration, ICC International Arbitration Conference, Miami (2021)
- Changed Circumstances: Practical Insights from Seasoned Arbitration Counsel and Arbitrators, ITA Workshop and Annual Meeting, Dallas (2019)
- The corollaries of the bona fide principle as recognised by international arbitrators, IBA Arbitration Day, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018)
- Conference Chair, IBA Arbitration Day, Paris, France (2014)
- The Spectre of Enforcement Risk and Inefficient Arbitral Procedures, ITA Workshop and Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA (2014)
- The Allocation of Costs in International Arbitration, ICC Conference on the Eve of the 17th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day, Paris, France (2014)
- Survivor Island meets International Arbitration: which Latin American seat?, 2nd Annual GAR Live New York, New York, USA (2013)
- The IBA Guidelines on Party Representation, Brick Court Chambers (2013)
- Advocacy from the Arbitrator's Perspective: What is Helpful and What is Not?, ITA Conference 25th Anniversary, Dallas, Texas, USA, (2013)
- Arbitral Decision-Making: The Legal Theory and the Psychological Reality, ITA Conference 25th Anniversary, Dallas, Texas, USA (2013)
- Soft law and arbitration, X Conference of International Arbitration, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2013)
- Challenges and developments in a time of opportunities, Session Co-Chair, Biennial IBA Latin American Regional Forum Conference - Latin America, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, (2012)
- Tension issues in investment arbitration – Investment protection laws that do not contain offers to arbitrate?, International Arbitration Seminar, Quito, Ecuador (2011)
- Hot Topics in International Arbitration, IBA Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada (2010)
- Advocacy after the arbitral award, ICCA Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2010)
- Cost controls in investment arbitration, IBA-ICC, Mexico (2010)
- Investment State Arbitration in Latin America: Recent issues and future prospects, IBA-ICC, Mexico City, Mexico (2010)
- FTA v. BITs?, ICC-IBA Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica (2009)
- Temas actuales de Arbitraje, Panelist, II Jornada Internacional de Arbitraje: Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009)
- Court support for arbitration in the Americas – The role of Public law, IBA Annual Meeting Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008)
- Dispute Resolution in the International Oil & Gas Business, ICDR and AIPN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2008)
- Complex Energy Disputes, Institute for Transnational Arbitration, 18th Annual International Commercial Arbitration Workshop, Dallas, Texas, USA (2007)
- Arbitration and the Courts, Young Arbitrators Forum, Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Dallas, Texas, USA (2007)
- Recognition and enforcement of foreign awards, Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce, Quito, Ecuador (2007)
- Investment: Problem and Litigation, IBA, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2006)
- Sovereignty issues in Litigation and Arbitration in Latin America, IBA, Prague, Czech Republic (2005)
- The Art of Arbitrating, Institute for Transnational Arbitration,16th Annual International Commercial Arbitration Workshop, Dallas, Texas, USA (2005)
- Lectures on international arbitration and on investment arbitration, specifically on the Argentinean cases, in the event organized by the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC titled The Developments of International Arbitration in Ecuador and Latin America, Quito, Ecuador (2005)
- The New York Convention, Application and Scope, Co-chair of the International Arbitration Congress, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia (2005)
- Lecturer in the event organized by the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC titled Impact of the New York Convention in the Development of International Commercial Arbitration, Caracas, Venezuela (2005)
- Insolvency is changing globally: How and Why?, IBA, Seville, Spain (2004)
- Lecturer in the event organized by the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC titled International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective, Miami, Florida, USA (2004)
- Lecturer in the event organized by the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC and the Center of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá titled Arbitration without an arbitration clause, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia (2003)
- Lecturer in the event organised by University of Columbia, New York titled Enforcement of arbitral awards, New York, New York, USA (2001)
Legal Teaching
- Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law
- Director International Arbitration Diploma (Tirant LoBlanch – Chamber of Commerce of Medellin)
- Co-Director ICC Academy for Latin America
- ICCA Mentor in three consecutive ICCA Mentorship Programs
- Professor at Universidad del Rosario
- Lecture at Columbia Law School on Emergency Arbitration (with Professor George Bermann)
- Tutor in international arbitration in the program organized by the OAS and the IACAC in several Latin American countries, including Argentina, Chile and Venezuela
- Training to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism – Division of Foreign Investments – and to governmental officials at different levels on international arbitration
- Professor and tutor in the Center of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota in international arbitration and investment arbitration
- Invited by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to participate in experts meeting in “Investment for Development”.
- Lecturer in the University of Miami School of Law in the specialization international arbitration
- Lecturer in New York University School of Law on matters related to investment arbitration
Professional Activities and Qualifications
Previous positions
- Vice President, ICC Court of Arbitration (2015 - 2021)
- Vice President, LCIA Court
- Member, ICCA Governing Board
- Co-Chair, IBA Arbitration Committee
- Member of the Drafting Committee of the IBA Arbitration Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in International Arbitration and the IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration
- President, Latin American Arbitration Association
- Chair, America´s Initiative Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- Vice President, Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- Member of the Drafting Committee of the Colombian Arbitration Statute
Current positions
- Member, Sanctions Board World Bank
- Member, Advisory Board of ICCA
- Member, Advisory Board of New York International Arbitration Center
- Member, Board of ICC Alumni Group
- Member, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
- Member, Review Committee ICDR-EAL
- Member, Board Latin American Arbitration Association
Spanish, English